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Suzhou Edgecross Membrane Technology Co., Ltd.

Add: Yangshan Science and Technology Park, 8 Jinyan Road, Suzhou, 25 buildings, 3 floors

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Sales contact: Bruce Zhu

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Discussion on Desulfurization of Desulfurization Device

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2019/5/24 9:50:22 Hits:1231

The boundary conditions for transient temperature field analysis of desulfurization gun consist of two stages:
Desulfurization in injection stage, heat transfer on outer surface of gun wire and liquid iron, heat transfer coefficient of outer surface and molten iron is 8 000 W/(m2.K), molten iron temperature is 1,350 C.
Secondly, because of the high temperature, the convective heat transfer coefficient is 10w/(m2.K) from the outer surface of the gun to the surrounding air.
The increase of space velocity is not conducive to the improvement of desulfurization capacity of desulfurizer. Space velocity catalytic reaction is an important parameter. It is a gas measurement time in the wet flue gas of the catalyst volume (standard). To some extent, it determines the reactant reaction, and also determines the scour of the catalyst skeleton and the friction resistance of the flue gas in the reactor. The increase of gas velocity increases the total gas flow rate and reduces the contact time between the reactant SO2 mixture gas and the catalyst bed of the reactor. The reduction of contact time is not conducive to the diffusion, adsorption and desorption and diffusion of reaction gases and products in catalyst pore, thus reducing the removal rate of sulfur dioxide. When the spray gun works under the boundary conditions, the temperature field boundary conditions are proved repeatedly. After five times of work, the spray gun gradually stabilizes the thermal stress of the components. Therefore, the thermal stress of the changing trend of the five working cycles is analyzed in this paper.
The desulfurization activity increases with the increase of the reaction temperature when the reaction temperature is between 30 and 80 and slows down when the reaction temperature is between 80 and 95 and decreases significantly when the reaction temperature is above 95. From the above analysis, it can be seen that reaction temperature has a significant effect on the reactivity of desulfurizer. The desulfurization reaction of desulfurization unit includes physical adsorption, chemical adsorption and water solubility.
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Next:How to Deal with Organic Waste Gas in Desulfurization Equipment

Sale:137-5716-8872 (Mr. Zhu)
Add: Yangshan Science and Technology Park, 8 Jinyan Road, Suzhou, 25 buildings, 3 floors
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